
Caretaker, Take Care of Thyself.

Motherhood is demanding. It asks everything of us – without a manual. The mental hurdles themselves are exhausting, and daily life can become a matter of just getting by.

Most women enter motherhood depleted. Growing a baby uses our resources. Then labor happens, and our energy, nutrients, and blood are expended further. If we have not taken the time to replenish and heal, our health can be impacted for years to come – sometimes as many as ten or more years down the road. Postnatal depletion, the exhaustion of day-to-day life, and the lead into perimenopause can make the climb back to our healthy, whole selves feel out of reach.

With this guide, Caitlin Walsh, licensed psychotherapist, joins Theresa to offer techniques to nurture and develop your voice/strength as a mother and a woman. Join the IW community below and receive our welcome email with access to all of our WOVXN Wellness Guides!

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"Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn't know you had, and dealing with fears you didn't know existed."

— Linda Wooten



